Economically Secure Families

Ensuring higher employment and entrepreneurship resulting in livable and family-sustaining wages, and stable, thriving households where families can provide for necessities, weather hard times, and build wealth

Framework | Two-Generation (2Gen) Approaches

Two-generation (2Gen) approaches build family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives together. 2Gen approaches center the whole family to create a legacy of educational success and economic prosperity that passes from one generation to the next.

Toolkit | Measuring Upward Mobility in Counties and Cities Across the U.S.

The Urban Institute's Upward Mobility Framework identifies five essential pillars that support mobility from poverty and a set of evidence-based predictors that are strongly correlated with the likelihood that a community can create conditions to boost the economic and social mobility of its residents while narrowing racial and ethnic inequities. This suite of metrics can be used to develop a strategic plan for upward mobility and monitor progress over time.

Guide | Roadmap to Inclusive Entrepreneurship

This municipal action guide provides a practical framework for understanding and supporting inclusive entrepreneurship, including specific examples and steps city leaders can take to improve racial and social equity, expand economic opportunity and participation, and build dynamic and resilient local economies.

Framework | Good Jobs Principles

The Departments of Commerce and Labor have partnered to identify what comprises a good job. These eight principles create a framework for workers, businesses, labor unions, advocates, researchers, state and local governments, and federal agencies for a shared vision of job quality.

Guide | Advancing Equitable Workforce Development for Infrastructure Jobs

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) includes more than $800 million in dedicated investments for workforce development. This resource includes information about funding included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support workforce development and key federal funding sources outside of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support workforce development.

Framework | Quality Jobs Framework

Jobs for the Future’s Quality Jobs Framework defines and highlights what all workers deserve in addition to good pay and benefits—the flexibility, autonomy, stability, and advancement opportunities that are essential for people to thrive.

Case Study | Purpose Built Case Study: Advancing Economic Vitality through Small Business Success

This case study highlights the work of Purpose Built Communities network member, Growing Together, including their collaboration with a group of Latino business leaders in Tulsa to create Avanzando Juntos, a separate 501(c)(3) with the “sole focus to advance Latino excellence and economic mobility in our region.”

Interactive Tool | Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR)

This clearinghouse identifies and summarizes many types of research on labor topics, including descriptive statistical studies and outcome analyses, implementation, and causal impact studies. CLEAR assesses the strength of the design and methodology in studies that look at the effectiveness of particular policies and programs. Click "Search for Studies" and use the keywords "Research Synthesis" to see summaries by category.

Interactive Tool | Economic Mobility Catalog

​​Compiled by Results for America, this catalog provides a list of evidence-based and innovative programs for local governments and municipalities to help improve outcomes across sectors and systems.

Interactive Tool | MIT Living Wage Calculator

This tool was developed to help individuals, communities, employers, and other users understand the local wage rate that allows residents to meet minimum standards of living.

Interactive Tool | Resources Archive - Center on Rural Innovation

This database houses resources for rural digital economy strategies and challenges.

Report | Maryland's Supersized Procurement Economy

This playbook provides a comprehensive assessment of Maryland’s procurement landscape, offering strategies to build wealth and foster inclusive growth across the state.

Report | Raise the Floor and Build Ladders: Workforce Strategies Supporting Mobility and Stability

Published by the Aspen Institute, this brief argues for rebalancing workforce development strategies to improve the lives of low-wage workers. It aims to encourage interventions that not only build ladders, or help low-wage workers climb out of poor-quality jobs into better jobs. Such interventions should also raise the floor, or help make workers’ current jobs better.

Collection | Rework America Alliance Resources

The Rework America Alliance is a nationwide collaboration to enable unemployed and workers from low wage roles to move into good jobs. In 2023, Markle transferred leadership of the Rework America Alliance to Jobs for the Future (JFF) as part of their North Star goal to help 75 million people facing systemic barriers to advancement work in quality jobs within the next 10 years.

Collection | Rural Innovation Resources

Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) compiled this library of tools and resources to inform digital economy ecosystem strategies in rural communities.Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) compiled this library of tools and resources to inform digital economy ecosystem strategies in rural communities.

Video | Job Quality Academy Starter Guide Part 1 of 2

U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Jobs For the Future (JFF) explore how workforce development entities and agencies nationwide are establishing collaborations and crafting strategies to enhance job quality in their respective areas. (Part 1)

Video | Job Quality Academy Starter Guide Part 2 of 2

U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Jobs For the Future (JFF) explore how workforce development entities and agencies nationwide are establishing collaborations and crafting strategies to enhance job quality in their respective areas. (Part 2)

Framework | Mobility Metrics Framework

Framework for the Urban Institute’s five essential pillars that support mobility from poverty based on a set of evidence-based predictors that are strongly correlated with the likelihood that a community can create conditions to boost the economic and social mobility of its residents while narrowing racial and ethnic inequities.

Podcast | The Rural Reason to Focus on Workforce Policy

This first episode of the "Pathways and Policies to Ensure Rural Learners Succeed in Place and Why it’s Essential for America’s Future," features a conversation with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training for the U.S. Department of Labor, a Policy Analyst at The Council of State Governments, and the Policy Program Manager in the Research to Action Lab at the Urban Institute. Topics include apprenticeship programs and employer technical assistance.

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