Neighborhood Action Plan

An community-driven action plan to address gaps identified in the needs assessment and provide a continuum of services across ENOUGH Results Areas; the plan should include evidence-based strategies and leverage multiple funding streams

Framework | Targeted Universalism

This article explores the complexities of policy debates amidst political polarization and fiscal constraints.This article explores the complexities of policy debates amidst political polarization and fiscal constraints.

Guide | A Guide to Racial and Ethnic Equity Systems Indicators

This toolkit equips stakeholders with actionable tools to identify and address systemic inequities across sectors, fostering data-driven strategies for achieving equitable outcomes for marginalized communities.

Interactive Tool | Federal Funding Streams for Children and Youth Services

This database catalogs the purposes and key characteristics of more than 320 federal funding streams that support cradle-to-career initiatives.

Guide | Understanding Fiscal Maps

Experts at the Children's Funding Project clarify what a fiscal map is, why your community should create one, and how to begin.

Collection | Open Inflation Reduction Act Funding Opportunities

This landing page provides access to a periodically updated document highlighting Inflation Reduction Act open funding opportunities. The list includes information on the Inflation Reduction Act program, the deadline for applying, and a link to the application, where applicable.

Interactive Tool | Maryland Department of Education Grant Programs

This website lists all active grant opportunities administered by the Maryland Department of Education.

Interactive Tool | Clearinghouse Database: Evidence to Impact Collaborative

The Results First Clearinghouse Database is an online resource that brings together information on the effectiveness of social policy programs from nine national clearinghouses. It applies color-coding to the clearinghouses’ distinct rating systems, creating a common language that enables users to quickly see where each program falls on a spectrum from negative impact to positive impact.

Interactive Tool | Maryland State Grants

Compiled by the Maryland Governor's Grants Office, this searchable database provides information about Maryland state grant opportunities.

Framework | Principles for Resident-Centered Holistic Neighborhood Revitalization

Overview of Purpose Built Communities, including core principles and framework. Purpose Built is a national nonprofit that coaches, connects, resources, and convenes local member organizations to strengthen neighborhoods where we are invited to work. Purpose Built implements a holistic neighborhood revitalization model, so that residents can experience greater racial equity, improved health and wellness and increased upward mobility. 

Interactive Tool | American Rescue Plan Data and Evidence Dashboard

This database compiles an analysis of 200 Recovery Plan Performance Reports, detailing investments up to July 30, 2022, and financial expenditures through June 30, 2023.

Interactive Tool | Results First™ Clearinghouse Database of Effective Social Policy

This database consolidates data from nine national clearinghouses, offering a comprehensive view of program effectiveness across social policy initiatives.

Interactive Tool | Social Programs That Work

This database provides insights into effective social programs backed by rigorous randomized controlled trials (RCTs), offering policymakers and readers a curated selection of programs proven to deliver significant, lasting benefits to participants and society.

Toolkit | Education Evidence-Based Spending Guide

This toolkit outlines strategies for state education agencies to enhance grantmaking effectiveness and promote equitable education outcomes.

Guide | Evaluation Policy Guide

This toolkit equips government leaders with a comprehensive Evaluation Policy Guide, offering insights and strategies from federal, state, and local governments.

Interactive Tool | What Works Cities Certification

This assessment equips local governments with strategies to enhance residents' lives through effective use of data and evidence, offering tools for benchmarking progress, accessing expert support networks, and participating in tailored training and coaching.

Toolkit | Workforce Evidence-Based Spending Guide

This toolkit empowers state and local government workforce development professionals to enhance grantmaking, purchasing, and procurement outcomes through evidence-based strategies, fostering equitable results and DEIA goals.

Framework | StriveTogether Theory of Action

The StriveTogether Theory of Action™ supports communities building the civic infrastructure necessary to transform the systems that shape opportunity. This theory of action provides progressive milestones rather than a prescription for change, which allows local context to guide the framework. The milestones inform necessary collaboration of cross-sector leaders from systems like education, housing, health care and more to get better results for youth and families.

Toolkit | Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity

This toolkit from the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) demonstrates how racial equity tools provide a structure for institutionalizing the consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs, and budgets.

Video | Results Based Accountability 101

This online workshop introduces the complete Results-Based Accountability™ framework. The video also illustrates the applicability of Results-Based Accountability™ to both cross-community quality of life improvements and the management of programs, agencies, and service systems.

Collection | Federal Funding Sources for Community Schools

This report includes a comprehensive but not exhaustive description and list of federal programs that could fund community schools. While most community schools are funded by a combination of federal, state, local, public, and private funds, this report focuses on the numerous federal opportunities to start, support, and sustain whole child approaches to learning and development through community schools.

Framework | Spectrum of Public Participation

This FSG resource seeks to clarify what it means to shift conditions for systems change using multiple tiers of change: structural, relational, and transformative.

Framework | Water of Systems Change

This spectrum was designed by the International Association for Public Participation to clarify the intent and messaging related to the community's role in any public participation process.

Guide | Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Implementation Guidebook

This Guidebook from the WK Kellogg Foundation is intended to help communities, organizations and individuals plan, implement and evaluate TRHT efforts. It includes specific guidance on implementing the different areas of the TRHT framework and ensuring inclusion of a decolonization agenda in the work. It has been updated based on learnings from the first five years of TRHT implementation.

Guide | Blueprint for Enterprise Capital

This blueprint creates a holistic guide for assessing an organization’s financial position and the optimal structure of assets and liabilities for financial strength and resilience.

Guide | Results Based Accountability Guide

Results-Based Accountability™ is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve entrenched and complex social problems. The Results-Based Accountability Guide includes a brief overview of the framework’s most important ideas.

Collection | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Funding Opportunities You Can Apply for Today

This document highlights a calendar of federal funding opportunities across 2024 fueled by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The list includes information on the program, the deadline for applying, and a link to the application, where applicable.

Collection | Federal Resources to Support Community Schools

​This toolkit is designed primarily to help community school leaders, coordinators, advocates, and other stakeholders understand the current scope of federal funding that can be used to support community schools. This toolkit identifies federal resources that can support one or more of the four pillars of an evidence-based community school and bolster community schools’ success: 1) integrated student supports; 2) active family and community engagement; 3) expanded and enriched learning time and opportunities; and 4) collaborative leadership practices.

Toolkit | Local and Regional Racial Equity Action Plans: A How-to Manual

This toolkit from the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) focuses on the unique role of local government to develop and advance Racial Equity Action Plans, which can put a theory of change into action to achieve a collective vision of racial equity.

Toolkit | Racial Equity Toolkit

This toolkit offers tips and activities to help collective impact backbone staff and partners operationalize racial equity through five action-oriented strategies.

Framework | Student Data Principles: Foundational Principles for Using and Safeguarding Students’ Personal Information

The Data Quality Campaign convened a coalition of national education organizations to develop these 10 principles for anyone who uses student information to support learning and success. This framework goes above and beyond complying with federal, state, and local laws.