Partnership Collaborative

A broad, cross-sector partnership of collaborating organizations

Guide | Centering Equity in Collective Impact

This article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (2022) demonstrates that after a decade of applying the collective impact approach to address social problems, the authors demonstrate why equity is central to the work.

Toolkit | Place-Based Partnership Toolkit

This project included extensive data analysis on over 80 place-based partnerships across the country, interviews with over 85 individuals from 30 of those partnerships, and in-depth consultation with 5 backbone organizations. The toolkit is intended to elevate the lessons learned from this initiative and to support the work of practitioners within existing place-based partnerships, communities contemplating starting a place-based partnership, and funders that invest in these efforts.

Toolkit | Community Toolbox: Creating and Maintaining Coalition and Partnerships

This report highlights key findings from the developmental evaluation of a public health prevention program in Colorado. These findings can be used as a roadmap to guide to build skill, knowledge and understanding of trainers who support communities that are implementing policy and/or systems change at the neighborhood/city/county level.

Podcast | Together for Change Podcast

Together for Change is brought to you by StriveTogether, a national movement with a clear purpose — helping every child succeed in school and in life, cradle to career, regardless of race, ethnicity, zip code or circumstance. Join StriveTogether leaders as well as national and local partners who are working to break down barriers, change systems and improve outcomes for as many families as possible.

Framework | Organizational Development for Social Change: An Integrated Approach to Community Transformation

This article explores organizational and movement-building tensions in order to unearth potential places of unity and develop a more holistic framework for change.

Guide | Guide for Building a Sustainable and Resilient Collaboration

Developed by the Tamarack Institute, this guide defines key terms and explores factors that contribute to sustainable, resilient, and impactful collaboration.

Guide | Can Businesses Be Anchor Institutions?

This article examines the role of the private sector in wealth building. Unlike universities or medical centers, businesses are always at risk of moving. But by focusing on anchoring strategies—rather than on the institutions themselves—we can see how businesses can play constructive roles in building wealth and health in their communities.

Report | Train the Trainer on Policy and Systems Change at the Local Level: A Developmental Evaluation Report

This report highlights key findings from the developmental evaluation of a public health prevention program in Colorado. These findings can be used as a roadmap to guide to build skill, knowledge and understanding of trainers who support communities that are implementing policy and/or systems change at the neighborhood/city/county level.

Guide | Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide

Developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Embracing Racial Equity: 7 Steps to Advance and Embed Race Equity and Inclusion Within Your Organization provides an action plan for implementing initiatives with a race equity lens.

Guide | Data in Collective Impact: Focusing on What Matters

This Stanford Social Innovation Review article by Justin Piff demonstrates why understanding data and using it effectively in collective impact can help achieve short- and long-term progress on shared goals.

​Guide | Sample Partnering Agreements (MOUs)

Memoranda of Understanding samples and template shared by StriveTogether.

Framework | Strategic Triangle for Collaborative Solutions

By mapping the most frequently observed barriers to collaboration, researchers at the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative have created a powerful assessment and solution-driving tool.